Friday, 17 July 2009

When Density Gets Out of Hand

On a lighter note (and related to the three themes of the latest World Development Report) you can also have too much of a good thing . When densities get too high, it puts infrastructure under pressure and creates opportunities for unusual jobs such as the Oshiya (train pushers) in Tokyo.

1 comment:

Christiane said...

It reminds me of university...Walter Christaller: Central Place Theory

Call it density, urban space , agglomerations, metropolis it all sums up to the slightly frustrating assumption: On the other side of density...where there is nothing there will be nothing....
Hm, what does that tell us? Try to make the strong ones (cities) stronger and hope that wealth is tackling down to rural areas??? I don’t know...
You have just been to East Germany... perhaps not to the areas where there is really nothing... the people keep on migrating from there...and complete villages are left behind with a handful of old people...who life on grants.
Of course I would also not invest in those areas, if I was the one to decide.... but the wealth and growth of agglomerations like Dresden/Leipzig will never reach those areas....sad but I think true...
I’m not an expert with the South African context but I can imagine some parallels...

I like your Blog! And the Train pusher!